Ainsley and I have been BIG Butanohana fans for quite awhile now.
Things have sure changed for them. Toys used to sit in there shop for a year before selling out, now they sell out in a week!
Regardless, we both think they hit the nail on the head when they decided to start producing Chibira-Kun toys. Admittedly this series ran under my radar until Butanohana brought them to our attention. Am I glad they did! I love the Character design. So wacky and fun. I also love how they incorporate more "serious" kaiju in funny roles.
Below I'll post some stills from the show, as well as some of Butanohanas versions of the Characters. Starting with the new ones up for pre-order in our shop! ;-)
Now that the show is on my radar, I'm noticing a lot of great vintage versions! Some are really wacky!

There are a few current companies also doing versions. Bearmodel, and pictured below (available in the shop, and awesome!) is the Yamanaya standard size version.
Lastly, here is one of the few clips I've found online:
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